Short Stories
Can I Help You?: 1986 – “There was a knock on my door. / “Hello, can I help you?” I inquired of the short man with big ears and bad breath. / “I really don’t appreciate what you’re doing to me?” / After this very curious statement, the man walked away and left me pondering what had caused him to be so upset.”
Gulliver’s Tailgater: December 26, 2018 – “I look in the rear-view mirror and…and…and…a shiver goes down my spine as the driver’s face comes into focus. There is no obvious deviation from your average dangerous driver…but…but, there is something ‘off’. He’s emotionless, he’s exuding no emotion…he’s empty…blank…dangerously blank.”
Tuning with Les Rallizes Denudes: August 15, 2009 – “Imagine…after listening to Les Rallizes Denudes: “Double Heads”…a band comes on the stage…ready to RAWK!!! the guitarist strums a chord, then another…the drummer smashes a cymbal…the bass player hits a note…and another…there is no vocalist…they are tuning.”
Gratitude – January 27, 2017 – “I feel: …gratitude for having the most wonderful foster daughter, who shines her light through my darkness and has been my most influential and profound teacher.”.
Injuries of a Hated Uncle – September 3, 2021 – “…tilting sideways, feet leaving the ground as head approaches…* thunk! *…the wooden partition. The brain dancing like Jell-O after ingesting Bill Cosby drugs.”
Harvey Dog’s Carnival
Posts from Harvey Dog’s Carnival (Nov. 20th, 2005 to Sept. 16th, 2011 – 284 total posts)
Post # 001: The First Post Finally Appears – November 20, 2005
Post # 005: Guru T-Lu hates Tim Buckley and the Hated Uncles drop by – November 28, 2005
Post # 012: Popping Eyeballs & Ash Ra Tempel – December 7, 2005
Post # 013: Royal Trux, Can & Dogs in the Bathtub – December 10, 2005
Post # 079: Tragically Hip Live Report & Anxiety – January 15, 2007