Sooner Than Later

Sooner Than Later (Harvey Dog) 1:58

March 2023
Vocals, Harmonica, 2 Guitar samples from SampleFocus.


"Sooner Than Later" - drawings by Harvey Dog for the "Sooner Than Later" video April 2023

Sleep-deprived trucker speeding through stop signs of pills and fentanyl /
early morning shivers cooling passions of existential angst /
hands reach for empty partners returning to invisibility.

The sun skewers eyeballs to burnt vegetable crisps /
sizzling imaginary dreams of wanton pleasures & deep penetration /
all holes dig into desires hidden & obsolete.

Divided war-torn secrets spill from pages written in blood /
who will bridge the divide of the right, the left, the nobodies? /
doesn’t matter, we all die sooner than later, sooner than later.

Then why are we, the way we are?
Yep – it’s a real fucking shame.


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