The Classifieds

1989 – Hated Uncles: “Variety Show” cassette

John Harvey (vocals) John Kinsella (acoustic guitar, employer)


The Classifieds - drawing by John Kinsella 1989 for the Hated Uncles' "Variety Show" cassette.
drawing by John Kinsella for the “Variety Show” booklet 1989

It’s about those days
when you have nothing to do
but sit around,
and realize you have no money,
you have no future,
you have no prospects,
so you sit down with the classifieds,
and it’s time to get a job,
another one.

“No experience necessary”

I know what that means,
it means any idiot could do the job,
mindless, tedious, the mind
turns to mush after a few weeks
with no chance of recovery,
no thank you.

“Ambitious young people needed
for career-oriented employment.”

I know what that means,
it means wearing a suit and
being polite, it means sucking
up and being nice to people
you hate, it means selling out,
it means measuring everything
by the almighty dollar,
no thank you.

“Will train the right person.”

I know what that means,
it means being moulded to their
specifications, it means
a change in your identity,
a puppet on their string
as they move you until
you are completely under
their control, a mindless idiot,
no thank you.

I wonder how long I have
until my unemployment runs out?


The Classifieds – 1989 – “Variety Show” cassette

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